Christopher Attah

Christopher Attah has a bachelor degree in law from the University of Wolverhampton. He was called to the Nigerian Bar in 1996. He started his career at the law firm of Paul Usoro and Co., where he managed the South-east Nigeria office. He then moved to the multi-billion dollar Aluminium Smelter Company of Nigeria (ALSCON,) a PPP between the Federal Government of Nigeria, Ferrostaal AG and Reynolds International Inc., and worked in the office of the Legal Adviser/Company Secretary. There, he gained vast experience in the implementation and operation of various commercial agreements such as Shareholders Agreements, Gas Sales Agreements, Off-take Agreements, International Raw Material Purchase and Shipping Agreements, International Employment Contracts and Cross-border Taxation.


In year 2000 he joined TZLF as a partner, where he has been involved in or led in areas such as company restructuring, petroleum, commercialization of Government facilities and Government procurement etc. A member of the Nigerian Capital Markets Solicitors Association, Mr Attah was appointed to the Federal Government advisory body for Vision 20:20:20, and to the Business Support Group, the bodies given the responsibility of designing the road map for Nigeria’s economic growth. He also serves on the board of various companies including Meristem Securities Limited, Anchor Insurance Limited, and Unitech Drilling Company Limited.

Our Clients And Work Experiences

TZLF and its solicitors are either currently retained by, have completed assignments for, or in their past employment inside and outside Nigeria have undertaken work for several blue chip companies, as well as high net worth individuals. Some of these include: