
Anticipating and recognizing the emerging landscape before most, The Zenith Law Firm positioned itself to meet the challenges and is now able to proudly present itself as an experienced and competent Law Practice with a specialist niche in various aspects of corporate law practice.

TZLF and its solicitors have undertaken due diligence exercises, on the buy and sell sides, and have advised on statutory compliance, and rectification of defects. We have also obtained business permits, expatriate quotas, residency and building permits NOTAP Certification.

It is probably worth mentioning that one of our partners took the lead in obtaining the Export Free Zone status for both the Akwa Ibom Refinery and the Ibom Science Park projects.

The Zenith Law Firm has a solid background in this area of Law. Our solicitors were actively and intricately involved in the development of the Power Purchase Agreement, Gas Purchase Agreement, Engineering Procurement and Construction Agreement, and any other agreements and processes to ensure a bankable project on behalf of the premier independent private power generation company in Nigeria. We also acted as Nigerian legal counsel to Vergnet Eolien, the EPC contractor for the Katsina Wind Farm, the pioneer wind farm in Nigeria. In addition, The Zenith Law Firm solicitors have also been extensively involved in negotiations and documentation on behalf of a private licensed petroleum refinery. We have also worked with various State Governments in regard to marginal fields and petroleum and energy matters generally.

Corporate structuring and governance general advice on memorandum and articles of association, shareholders; board meetings, payment of dividends, director rights and duties, share dealings, corporate governance and Securities and Exchange Commission / Nigeria Stock Exchange compliance. Commercial agreements including, inter alia construction management, outsourcing, distribution, supply, , management We routinely advise various corporate bodies on their corporate structuring and governance, shareholders issues, board meetings, director rights and duties, share dealings, and other regulatory matters.

As a natural extension of our involvement in advising clients on corporate governance, shareholders and directorships, we also actively serve as company secretaries to a few select companies. 

TZLF and its solicitors have a strong and extensive background and a well-earned reputation in handling civil litigation and arbitration. In this area we are currently retained by several banks and other substantial companies, and are involved in prosecuting and defending a very wide array of claims ranging from employment to banking, to maritime, to shareholding and directorship disputes, to regulatory compliance, and institutional conflicts.

TZLF handles and advises on a wide range of transactions for banks, lenders, borrowers and venture capital firms including mortgages, debentures, liens, hypothecations, releases, commercial papers, currency and credit defaults, leasing and asset financing, loan syndications, and project finance.

In our experience, all commercial transactions have tax implications and tax considerations will often affect and may even dictate the form of a transaction. In this regard, we provide and develop strategic tax advice and tax efficient structures for corporate bodies, including associating with accounting experts where required.

We are quite active in labour and employment matters, providing services for both employers and employees. Our proud pedigree in this area extend to providing counsel and active participation in negotiating staff conditions of service, and in litigating employment matters.

Our Clients And Work Experiences

TZLF and its solicitors are either currently retained by, have completed assignments for, or in their past employment inside and outside Nigeria have undertaken work for several blue chip companies, as well as high net worth individuals. Some of these include: